[831] Weather Radar

Title Text:Ever notice how there aren’t as many thunderstorms now as there were when you were a kid? Much like ‘the shuffle on my MP3 player has a bias’, this is occasionally true but universally believed. Brains are so interesting!…


[830] Genetic Analysis

Title Text:There’s still a chance you were conceived via IVF. But we’ve checked your mom’s college yearbook photos, and whether or not she and your father had sex, it’s clear that… listen, I know this is hard for you. Origin:https://xkcd.com/830/…


[829] Arsenic-Based Life

Title Text:According to a new paper published in the journal Science, reporters are unable to thrive in an arsenic-rich environment. Origin:https://xkcd.com/829/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/829:_Arsenic-Based_Life 砷基生命 《科学》杂志上一项新近发表的研究表明,记者在富砷的环境中不能存活。 https://songshuhui.net/archives/46307 三名科学家担心宣布他们的细菌发现的新闻发布会对记者来说不那么令人兴奋,特别是因为他们期待土星最大的卫星泰坦的生命新闻。研究人员决定尝试让活… Read more


[828] Positive Attitude

Title Text:Having a positive attitude is almost tautologically good for your mental health, and extreme stress can hurt your immune system, but that doesn't mean you should feel like shit for feeling like shit. Origin:https://xkcd.com/828/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/828:_Positive_Attitude Cueball感觉很糟糕,因为他病了,他的朋友告诉他要积极思考因为这会让他感觉更好。在思考了一点后,Cueball注意到,按照这个推理,如果他感觉不好,… Read more


[827] My Business Idea

Title Text:We didn’t believe you at first, but we asked like three people who were at that party. They not only corroborated your story, but even said you totally mentioned wanting to start a company someday. Sorry! If this isn’t…


[826] Guest Week: Zach Weiner (SMBC)

Title Text:Guest comic by Zach Weiner of Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal. When I was stressed out, Zach gave me a talk that was really encouraging and somehow involved nanobots. Origin:https://xkcd.com/826/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/826:_Guest_Week:_Zach_Weiner_(SMBC) 这部漫画由客座网络漫画艺术家Zach Weiner(现为Weinersmith)绘制,主题为“宾客周”。 Zach是webcomic Saturday Morning Breakfast Cerea… Read more


[825] Guest Week: Jeffrey Rowland (Overcompensating)

Title Text:Guest comic by Jeffrey Rowland of Overcompensating/Wigu. Jeffrey is famous as the picture on the Wikipedia article on ‘Necrosis’. Origin:https://xkcd.com/825/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/825:_Guest_Week:_Jeffrey_Rowland_(Overcompensating) 兰德尔本人(看起来像黑帽子)正在与杰弗里罗兰(坐着喝酒)交谈,他写了流行的网络漫画Overcompensating和Wigu。从xkcd的官方成绩单中可以清楚地看出这两个真实的人。 这可能是对… Read more


[824] Guest Week: Bill Amend (FoxTrot)

Title Text:Guest comic by Bill Amend of FoxTrot, an inspiration to all us nerdy-physics-majors-turned-cartoonists, of which there are an oddly large number. Origin:https://xkcd.com/824/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/824:_Guest_Week:_Bill_Amend_(FoxTrot) 报纸漫画FoxTrot的作者Bill Amend在这个特别的“客人周”版xkcd中吸引了Randall。在前两个小组中,我们看到了Jason Fox,一个来自Amend’s strip的10岁的怪异人物。杰森… Read more


[823] Guest Week: David Troupes (Buttercup Festival)

Title Text:Guest comic by David Troupes of Buttercup Festival, who is living in that lovely tree outside your window. Origin:https://xkcd.com/823/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/823:_Guest_Week:_David_Troupes_(Buttercup_Festival) 这部漫画是对人际关系的评论。女人梅根非常高兴地坐在月球上(这是不可能的[引证需要])与她喜欢的人Cueball。然而,Cueball并不是完全幸福的,直到他用他的弹弓从月球上射出的岩石上钉住一个前欺负者。 David Troupes是webcomic Butter… Read more


[822] Guest Week: Jeph Jacques (Questionable Content)

Title Text:Guest comic by Jeph Jacques of Questionable Content, whose internal monologue hasn’t been speaking to him for the past three years. Origin:https://xkcd.com/822/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/822:_Guest_Week:_Jeph_Jacques_(Questionable_Content) 脑中小剧场 http://xkcd.in/comic?lg=cn&id=822 漫画开始于Cueball的内部对话,告诉他一段时间以来他一直在想什么 – 他正在看的那个女孩是如此美丽,她似… Read more
