[751] Swimsuit Issue

Title Text:Parents: talk to your kids about popup blockers. Also, at some point, sex. But crucial fundamentals first! Origin:https://xkcd.com/751/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/751:_Swimsuit_Issue 泳装特辑 https://www.douban.com/photos/photo/742245489/ “体育画报”虽然是一本体育杂志(来自标题所暗示的),但它的泳装问题却很臭名昭着,这是一个年度问题,其中大多数女性穿着露出泳装(再次,从标题所暗示的内容),一般认为不适合儿童。 然而,这个笑话是关于父亲的。在他阻止孩子阅读之… Read more


[750] Book Burning

Title Text:Of course, since their cautionary tale was reported in a print newspaper, no one read it. Origin:https://xkcd.com/750/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/750:_Book_Burning 焚书 https://www.douban.com/photos/photo/741148247/ 当他们只有一本书时,一群想要拿着书烧的人发现自己陷入了难题。去网上零售商发现,这本书的Kindle版本比精装版便宜得多。不幸的是,对于书籍燃烧器而言,Kindle的燃烧证明是致命的,因为其塑料外壳,内部电子器件和/或为其供电的锂聚合物电池的燃烧产生有毒烟雾。 书… Read more


[749] Study

Title Text:Volunteers needed for a study on transmission of urushiol from digital contact with thin strips of fibrous cellulose pulp. Origin:https://xkcd.com/749/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/749:_Study 研究 https://tieba.baidu.com/p/2374827147 这部漫画是关于遍布城市尤其是大学校园的无处不在的学习传单。 这个显然是荒谬的,因为这是一个薄薄的尝试,以获得志愿者,以便他们的肾脏可以“收获”或被盗。 O型是一种省略A和B抗原的血型,因此它不会引起具有抗A或抗B抗体的血型反应,因此具有这… Read more


[748] Worst-Case Scenario

Title Text:To get serious analyses of hurricanes and oil slicks, see Jeff Masters’ blog. To get serious discussions of worst-case scenario thinking, see Bruce Schneier’s blog. To get enough Vitamin D, don’t read any blogs and go outside instead. Origin:https://xkcd.com/748/…


[747] Geeks and Nerds

Title Text:The definitions I grew up with were that a geek is someone unusually into something (so you could have computer geeks, baseball geeks, theater geeks, etc) and nerds are (often awkward) science, math, or computer geeks. But definitions vary.…


[746] Birth

Title Text:All those GTA marathons during the pregnancy were a bad idea. Origin:https://xkcd.com/746/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/746:_Birth 梅根正在分娩。一个婴儿的头部和一把枪出现了,而不是我们所期望的正常分娩。那个已经可以说话的婴儿试图抢劫医生说:“没人动 – 这是一个蠢事!”这是典型的电影抢劫案。没有解释枪是如何在梅根的子宫里结束的。 标题文本通过解释婴儿学习这种不良行为来解释漫画,因为他或她的母亲过于频繁地玩视频游戏侠盗猎车手(GTA),因为有些人认为,如果孩子玩太多暴力视频游戏他们就像现实生活中的电子游戏。侠盗猎车手被批评并公开指责它有… Read more


[745] Dyslexics

Title Text:And of course I had to redo this like three times because I kept writing ‘UNTIE’; I kept doing ‘doing ‘doing it wrong’ wrong’ wrong. Origin:https://xkcd.com/745/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/745:_Dyslexics 笑话衬衫应该是“世界的诵读困难,解开!”,对同一主题的远方漫画的点头(游戏中的阅读障碍,带着一个标志(不经意间)阅读“世界的冥想”UNTIE)因为诵读困难症混淆了T和I.在这种情况下,诵读困难者试图模仿他们转移字母的倾向。… Read more


[744] Walkthrough

Title Text:There’s nothing hotter than porn dubbed over with a poorly-mic’d teenager’s voice explaining each step in a droning monotone. ‘okay, we’re almost at the spawn point… separate the labia, but watch out, there are more inside them… Origin:https://xkcd.com/744/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/744:_Walkthrough…


[743] Infrastructures

Title Text:The heartfelt tune it plays is CC licensed, and you can get it from my seed on JoinDiaspora.net whenever that project gets going. Origin:https://xkcd.com/743/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/743:_Infrastructures Cueball已经向他的胡子朋友(可能是Richard Stallman的漫画)发了一篇文章,他是开源软件的拥护者。虽然论文本身很好,但他的朋友很担心,因为这篇文章采用的是.doc格式,即旧版Microsoft Word使用的专有格式。这位朋友建议Cueball使用基于开放标准的格式,可… Read more


[742] Campfire

Title Text:100 years later, this story remains terrifying–not because it’s the local network block, but because the killer is on IPv4. Origin:https://xkcd.com/742/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/742:_Campfire https://app-xkcd-cn.appspot.com/ Cueball在篝火旁向孩子讲述一个关于杀手的可怕故事。似乎主角能够将杀手的计算机追踪到本地地址(很可能是在她自己的房子里)。 192.168 /16指的是计算机所在的子网。 192.168 /16子网保留用于专用网络和来自… Read more
