[827] My Business Idea

Title Text:We didn’t believe you at first, but we asked like three people who were at that party. They not only corroborated your story, but even said you totally mentioned wanting to start a company someday. Sorry! If this isn’t…


[826] Guest Week: Zach Weiner (SMBC)

Title Text:Guest comic by Zach Weiner of Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal. When I was stressed out, Zach gave me a talk that was really encouraging and somehow involved nanobots. Origin:https://xkcd.com/826/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/826:_Guest_Week:_Zach_Weiner_(SMBC) 这部漫画由客座网络漫画艺术家Zach Weiner(现为Weinersmith)绘制,主题为“宾客周”。 Zach是webcomic Saturday Morning Breakfast Cerea… Read more


[825] Guest Week: Jeffrey Rowland (Overcompensating)

Title Text:Guest comic by Jeffrey Rowland of Overcompensating/Wigu. Jeffrey is famous as the picture on the Wikipedia article on ‘Necrosis’. Origin:https://xkcd.com/825/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/825:_Guest_Week:_Jeffrey_Rowland_(Overcompensating) 兰德尔本人(看起来像黑帽子)正在与杰弗里罗兰(坐着喝酒)交谈,他写了流行的网络漫画Overcompensating和Wigu。从xkcd的官方成绩单中可以清楚地看出这两个真实的人。 这可能是对… Read more


[824] Guest Week: Bill Amend (FoxTrot)

Title Text:Guest comic by Bill Amend of FoxTrot, an inspiration to all us nerdy-physics-majors-turned-cartoonists, of which there are an oddly large number. Origin:https://xkcd.com/824/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/824:_Guest_Week:_Bill_Amend_(FoxTrot) 报纸漫画FoxTrot的作者Bill Amend在这个特别的“客人周”版xkcd中吸引了Randall。在前两个小组中,我们看到了Jason Fox,一个来自Amend’s strip的10岁的怪异人物。杰森… Read more


[823] Guest Week: David Troupes (Buttercup Festival)

Title Text:Guest comic by David Troupes of Buttercup Festival, who is living in that lovely tree outside your window. Origin:https://xkcd.com/823/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/823:_Guest_Week:_David_Troupes_(Buttercup_Festival) 这部漫画是对人际关系的评论。女人梅根非常高兴地坐在月球上(这是不可能的[引证需要])与她喜欢的人Cueball。然而,Cueball并不是完全幸福的,直到他用他的弹弓从月球上射出的岩石上钉住一个前欺负者。 David Troupes是webcomic Butter… Read more


[822] Guest Week: Jeph Jacques (Questionable Content)

Title Text:Guest comic by Jeph Jacques of Questionable Content, whose internal monologue hasn’t been speaking to him for the past three years. Origin:https://xkcd.com/822/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/822:_Guest_Week:_Jeph_Jacques_(Questionable_Content) 脑中小剧场 http://xkcd.in/comic?lg=cn&id=822 漫画开始于Cueball的内部对话,告诉他一段时间以来他一直在想什么 – 他正在看的那个女孩是如此美丽,她似… Read more


[821] Five-Minute Comics: Part 3

Title Text:Resulting in The Little Rock 9x + C. Origin:https://xkcd.com/821/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/821:_Five-Minute_Comics:_Part_3 这是兰德尔在2010年11月的一周内发布的三个“五分钟漫画”中的第三个。漫画的介绍解释了你需要了解的背后情况。 兰德尔显然在这五分钟漫画中制作了三个以上,其中一个是后来发布的,在短时间内出现了错误,但是一个android xkcd浏览器在线上并保存它时将其拾起。从那以后它被添加来解释xkcd。所以这里是整个五分钟漫画系列中所有四部漫画的完整列表: 819:五分钟漫画:第1部分 820:五分钟漫画:第2部分 821:五分钟漫画… Read more


[820] Five-Minute Comics: Part 2

Title Text:Dear Wiccan readers: I understand modern Wiccans are not usually all about the curses and hexes. But Darth Vader was recently converted from Episcopalianism and he’s still figuring it all out. Origin:https://xkcd.com/820/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/820:_Five-Minute_Comics:_Part_2 这是兰德尔在2010年11月的一周内发布的三个“五分钟漫画”中的第二个。漫画的介绍解释了你需要了解的背后情况。 兰德尔显然在这五分钟漫画中制作… Read more


[819] Five-Minute Comics: Part 1

Title Text:The wolves thin the RAID arrays, removing the slowest and weakest disks to keep the average seek speed high. Origin:https://xkcd.com/819/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/819:_Five-Minute_Comics:_Part_1 漫画#1 [编辑] 在天文学中,一种“接近”的方式是当两个物体异常地彼此靠近,但不能足够接近碰撞时。大多数人都知道,木星是我们太阳系中的第五颗行星。它在2010年9月对地球的接近是多年来最接近的地方 – 事实上,下一次接近它将在2022年结束。在漫画中,木星在地球上方盘旋并与人物交谈表明了这… Read more


[818] Illness

Title Text:<3 If there’s anything you can do, I’ll let you know. For the moment, any simple distracting online games sent to [email protected] will not go unappreciated [EDIT: Holy crap 2,700 games before noon. I love you guys; thank you.…
