[2940] Modes of Transportation

Title Text:My bold criticism might anger the hot air balloon people, which would be a real concern if any of them lived along a very narrow line directly upwind of me. Origin:https://xkcd.com/2940/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/2940:_Modes_of_Transportation 交通方式 我大胆的批评可能会惹怒那帮热气球爱好者,但如果他们就住在你上风口处,那就是个真正的隐患了。 https://xkcd.in/comic?lg=cn&id=2940 兰德尔的图表通过方便性和危险性比较了不同的交通工… Read more


[2939] Complexity Analysis

Title Text:PERPETUALLY OPTIMISTIC CASE: Early in the execution, our research group makes a breakthrough in proving P=NP. Origin:https://xkcd.com/2939/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/2939:_Complexity_Analysis 复杂度分析 永远乐观的情况:在算法运行的初期,我们的研究团队在证明P=NP方面取得了突破。 https://xkcd.in/comic?lg=cn&id=2939 Cueball正在讲解一个算法的复杂性。该算法的平均情况复杂性用大O符号表示为O(n log n),表达了随着输入数量不断增加,算法的渐… Read more


[2938] Local Group

Title Text:Cosmologists estimate the spaghetti strand to be about 200 septillion calories, though it could be higher depending on the nutritional value of dark matter. Origin:https://xkcd.com/2938/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/2938:_Local_Group 本星系群 宇宙学家估计那个宇宙意面大约有两万亿亿卡路里(大卡),如果有暗物质的话可能会更高。 注:本星系群,是包括地球所处之银河系在内的一群星系。这组星系群包含大约超过50个星系,其质心位于银河系和仙女座星系之间的距离。本星系群中的全部星系… Read more


[2937] Room Code

Title Text:Sorry to make you memorize this random string of digits. If it helps, it can also double as a mnemonic for remembering your young relatives’ birthdays, if they happened to have been born on February 5th, 2018. Origin:https://xkcd.com/2937/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/2937:_Room_Code…


[2936] Exponential Growth

Title Text:Karpov’s construction of a series of increasingly large rice cookers led to a protracted deadlock, but exponential growth won in the end. Origin:https://xkcd.com/2936/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/2936:_Exponential_Growth 指数级增长 卡尔波夫建造了一系列越来越大的电饭煲,导致了持久的僵局,但最终指数增长取得了胜利。 注:加里·卡斯帕罗夫和阿纳托利·卡尔波夫都是俄罗斯国际象棋大师和前世界冠军。两人曾在 20 世纪 80 年代争夺世界冠军。 https://xkcd.in/com… Read more


[2935] Ocean Loop

Title Text:I can’t believe they wouldn’t even let me hold a vote among the passengers about whether to try the loop. Origin:https://xkcd.com/2935/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/2935:_Ocean_Loop 大洋环线 我真不敢相信,他们甚至不让我找乘客投票决定要不要尝试大回环。 https://xkcd.in/comic?lg=cn&id=2935 听到“海洋环流”这个词,许多人会想到横向的海洋旋涡或海洋洋流。这幅漫画描绘了一个垂直的,而不是水平的海洋环流。 漫画展示了一个巨大的建筑,耸立于海面之上,使旁边的邮… Read more


[2934] Bloom Filter

Title Text:Sometimes, you can tell Bloom filters are the wrong tool for the job, but when they’re the right one you can never be sure. Origin:https://xkcd.com/2934/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/2934:_Bloom_Filter 布隆过滤器 有时候,你可以确定布隆过滤器不是合适的工具,但当它是合适的工具时,你却永远无法完全确定。 注:布隆过滤器是1970年由伯顿·霍华德·布隆提出的。它实际上是一个很长的二进制向量和一系列随机映射函数。布隆过滤器可以用于检索一个元素是否在一个集合中。它的优点是空间效率和查询时间都远远超… Read more


[2933] Elementary Physics Paths

Title Text:==COSMOLOGY==> ‘Uhhh … how sure are we that everything is made of these?’ Origin:https://xkcd.com/2933/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/2933:_Elementary_Physics_Paths 基本物理路径 ==宇宙学==>’呃…我们有几成把握能确定所有事物都是由微小粒子组成的?’ 注: 凝聚态物理学是研究凝聚态物质的物理性质与微观结构以及它们之间的关系,即通过研究构成凝聚态物质的电子、离子、原子及分子的运动形态和规律,从而认识其物理性质的学科。 在理论物理学里,量子… Read more


[2932] Driving PSA

Title Text:This PSA brought to you by several would-be assassins who tried to wave me in front of speeding cars in the last month and who will have to try harder next time. Origin:https://xkcd.com/2932/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/2932:_Driving_PSA 驾驶安全提示 本安全提示由在过去一个月内试图在高速行驶的车辆前向我挥手示意的几位潜在的杀手提供,他们下次还得再加把劲才行。 https://xkcd.in/comic?lg=cn&id=2932 PSA是公共服务公告。一些司机在道路规则下享… Read…


[2931] Chasing

Title Text:Certain hybrid events can only happen in certain locations where all the conditions are present; chasers flock to the area in and around Kansas known as tumbleweed-colliding-with-possum alley. Origin:https://xkcd.com/2931/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/2931:_Chasing 追逐 某些混合事件只能在所有条件都存在的特定地点发生;追逐者们涌向堪萨斯州及其周边地区,那里被称为风滚草碰撞负鼠的小巷。 https://xkcd.in/comic?lg=cn&amp… Read more
