[2926] Doppler Effect

Title Text:The Doppler effect is a mysterious wavelength-shifting phenomenon which seems to primarily affect sirens, which is why the 馃毃 emoji is red. Origin:https://xkcd.com/2926/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/2926:_Doppler_Effect 多普勒效应 多普勒效应是一种神秘的波长改变现象,似乎主要影响警报器,这就是为什么����表情符号是红色的。 注: 多普勒效应是波源和观察者有相对运动时,观察者接受到波的频率与波源发出的频率并不相同的现象。远方急驶过来的火车鸣笛声变得尖细(即频率变高,波长变短),而离… Read more


[2925] Earth Formation Site

Title Text:It’s not far from the sign marking the exact latitude and longitude of the Earth’s core. Origin:https://xkcd.com/2925/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/2925:_Earth_Formation_Site 地球形成的地点 这个标志和标记地球核心的精准经纬度的标志离得不远。 https://xkcd.in/comic?lg=cn&id=2925 古白球阅读了一块纪念牌,庆祝地球的形成。与大多数历史标记一样,它声称这个地点正是事件发生的确切地点,地球正是在这个特定的位置形成的。它还具体说明了地球形成的确切年份为45.… Read more


[2924] Pendulum Types

Title Text:The creepy fingers that grow from a vibrating cornstarch-water mix can be modeled as a chain of inverted vertical pendulums (DOI:10.1039/c4sm00265b) and are believed to be the fingers of Maxwell’s Demon trying to push through into our universe. Origin:https://xkcd.com/2924/…


[2923] Scary Triangles

Title Text:Concealed mostly beneath the surface, sharks are the icebergs of the sea. Origin:https://xkcd.com/2923/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/2923:_Scary_Triangles 恐怖三角 隐藏自身大部分于海面下,鲨鱼乃是海中冰山。 https://xkcd.in/comic?lg=cn&id=2923 Cueball正在进行一场关于鲨鱼的海洋生物学讲座,似乎把冰山和话题搞混了。在流行文化中,鲨鱼通常会以只有前背鳍露出水面的姿态接近猎物或人类,看起来像一个三角形。就它通常的海洋猎物而言,这种说法是不准确的,因为大多数鲨鱼会从下方攻击以保持出其… Read more


[2922] Pub Trivia

Title Text:Bonus question: Where is London located? (a) The British Isles (b) Great Britain and Northern Ireland (c) The UK (d) Europe (or ‘the EU’) (e) Greater London Origin:https://xkcd.com/2922/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/2922:_Pub_Trivia 酒吧问答 附加奖励问题: 伦敦位于哪里?(a) 不列颠群岛 (b) 大不列颠和北爱尔兰 (c) 英国 (d) 欧洲(或…


[2921] Eclipse Path Maps

Title Text:Okay, this eclipse will only be visible from the Arctic in February 2063, when the sun is below the horizon, BUT if we get lucky and a gigantic chasm opens in the Earth in just the right spot… Origin:https://xkcd.com/2921/…


[2920] Survey Marker

Title Text:Fun fact: The standard North American NAD83 coordinate system is misaligned from the actual Earth, off-center by about 7 feet. Someone knows where I am, and I’m in the wrong place. Origin:https://xkcd.com/2920/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/2920:_Survey_Marker 测量标记 有趣的事实:标准的北美 NAD83 坐标系统与地球实际位置不对齐,偏离了大约 7 英尺。有人知道我在哪里,而我却在错误的地方。…


[2919] Sitting in a Tree

Title Text:First comes blood / Then we perish / Then comes Death in his Eternity Carriage. Origin:https://xkcd.com/2919/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/2919:_Sitting_in_a_Tree 坐在树上 首先是尸山血海/然后我们灭亡/然后死神乘着他永恒的马车而来。 *译注:漫画第一格是一首美国儿歌的开头。当孩子们玩在一起时,如果发现某个女孩或男孩有喜欢某个异性的迹象时,他们就会把两个人的名字套到歌词的第一行,用来取笑当事人,让他们觉得不好意思。 title text延续“非常不正常的人令人惊恐”的SMITING,格式改编自英文韵文“first comes lo… Read more


[2918] Tick Marks

Title Text:If you’re really savvy, you can hide an entire set of illicit transactions by timing them to draw what looks like a graph inset. Origin:https://xkcd.com/2918/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/2918:_Tick_Marks 刻度线 如果再精明一些,你甚至可以掌握好一系列非法交易的时间来画出一个看起来像是图表中的图例的形状,来达到隐藏这些非法交易的目的。 https://xkcd.in/comic?lg=cn&id=2918 这部漫画为读者提供了一个关于如何“隐藏活动”的建议——具体来说,在这种情况下… Read more


[2917] Types of Eclipse Photo

Title Text:The most rare, top-tier eclipse photo would be the Solar Earth Eclipse, but the Apollo 12 crew’s attempt to capture it was marred by camera shake. They said it looked spectacular, though. Origin:https://xkcd.com/2917/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/2917:_Types_of_Eclipse_Photo 日食照片的类型 最罕见、最顶级的日食照片是地球日食,但阿波罗12号飞船乘员拍摄地球日食照片的尝试因相机抖动而受到破坏。不过,他们说这那起来很壮观。 https:… Read more
