[2913] Periodic Table Regions

Title Text:Cesium-133, let it be. Cesium-134, let it be even more. Origin:https://xkcd.com/2913/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/2913:_Periodic_Table_Regions 元素周期表区域 铯-133,随它去吧。铯-134,随它去的越远越好。 https://xkcd.in/comic?lg=cn&id=2913 周期表用于根据化学元素的属性排列元素。此漫画将它们分组到带有幽默标签的区域中,这些标签反映了它们的属性、特征或用途。 表格部分[编辑] | 部分 | 真实表格 | 含有元素 | 解释 | |——|———-|… Read more


[2912] Cursive Letters

Title Text:饾摌 饾摻饾摫饾摬饾摲饾摯 饾摤饾摢饾摴饾摬饾摻饾摢饾摰 饾摏 饾摬饾摷 饾摴饾摶饾摳饾摣饾摢饾摣饾摰饾攤 饾摻饾摫饾摦 饾摱饾摳饾摷饾摻 饾摨饾摼饾摲 饾摻饾摳 饾攢饾摶饾摬饾摻饾摦, 饾摻饾摫饾摳饾摼饾摪饾摫 饾摰饾摳饾攢饾摦饾摶饾摤饾摢饾摷饾摦 饾摵 饾摬饾摷 饾摢饾摰饾摷饾摳 饾摢 饾摷饾摻饾摶饾摳饾摲饾摪 饾摤饾摳饾摲饾摻饾摦饾摲饾摥饾摦饾摶. Origin:https://xkcd.com/2912/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/2912:_Cursive_Letters 草书字母 ���� �������������������� ���������������������������� ���� �������� �������������������… Read more


[2911] Greenland Size

Title Text:The Mercator projection drastically distorts the size of almost every area of land except a small ring around the North and South Poles. Origin:https://xkcd.com/2911/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/2911:_Greenland_Size 格陵兰岛大小 麦卡托投影法会扭曲那些大陆现实中的大小除了南北极的那一小圈。 https://xkcd.in/comic?lg=cn&id=2911 “口袋地图真是个有用的东西!”我说道。“这也是我们从你们国家学到的另一件事,”梅因·赫尔说,“制图。不过我们比你们做得… Read more


[2910] The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald

Title Text:You know that asteroid that almost destroyed Earth in the 90s? Turns out the whole thing was secretly created by Michael Bay, who then PAID Bruce Willis and Ben Affleck to look heroic while blowing it up! Origin:https://xkcd.com/2910/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/2910:_The_Wreck_of_the_Edmund_Fitzgerald…


[2909] Moon Landing Mission Profiles

Title Text:If you pick a low enough orbit, it gives you a lot of freedom to use a lightweight launch vehicle such as a stepladder. Origin:https://xkcd.com/2909/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/2909:_Moon_Landing_Mission_Profiles 登月任务简介 如果你选择一个足够低的轨道,你就能自由选择一种轻量级的发射载具,比如折叠式梯子。 https://xkcd.in/comic?lg=cn&id=2909 把宇航员送到月球(并安全返回地球)是困难的。有几种不同的策略可以实现这个目标。这个漫画回顾了阿波罗登月任… Read more


[2908] Moon Armor Index

Title Text:Astronomers are a little unsure of the applicability of this index, but NASA’s Planetary Protection Officer is all in favor. Origin:https://xkcd.com/2908/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/2908:_Moon_Armor_Index 卫星护甲指数 虽然天文学家们对这个指数是否适用持怀疑态度,但NASA的行星保护官则对这个概念非常赞成。 注1:萨拉西亚星(Salacia)、妊神星(Haumea)、奎奥厄星(Quaoar)、共工星(Gonggong)都是柯伊伯带的小型天体,它们都有卫星。 注2:卡戎(Char… Read more


[2907] Schwa

Title Text:Doug’s cousin, the one from London, runs a Bumble love cult. Origin:https://xkcd.com/2907/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/2907:_Schwa 中央元音 Doug’s cousin, the one from London, runs a Bumble love cult. 注:中央元音(mid central vowel (schwa))是一个元音,常出现于口语。中央元音在国际音标里以⟨ə⟩表示,位于元音表最中央的位置(纵坐标为元音高度,横坐标为元音舌位),由于中央元音特别容易发音,所以快速说话的时候很多元音会被不自觉地发作⟨ə⟩。 https://xkcd… Read more


[2906] Earth

Title Text:Just think of all the countless petty squabbles and misunderstandings, of all the fervent hatreds, over so insignificant a thing as the direction and duration of a rocket engine firing. Origin:https://xkcd.com/2906/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/2906:_Earth 地球 想想所有那些数不胜数的微小的争吵和误解、那些强烈的仇恨,都来自于像火箭发动机点火的方向和持续时间这种无关紧要的事。 注:《暗淡蓝点》 ,是一张1990年2月14日由旅行者1号拍摄的著名地球照片,显示了地… Read more


[2905] Supergroup

Title Text:I love their cover of 1,200 Balloons, Dalmatians, and Miles. Origin:https://xkcd.com/2905/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/2905:_Supergroup 超级乐团 我喜欢1200 Red Balloons,Dalmatians,Miles的专辑封面。 注: 漫画中提到的乐团分别是Twenty One Pilots、5 Seconds of Summer、4 Non Blondes、2 Live Crew、100 gecs、3 Doors Down、Nine Inch Nails、OneRepublic、One Direction、Thirty Seconds to Mars。 Sum: 21 +…


[2904] Physics vs. Magic

Title Text:’At the stroke of midnight, your brother will be hurtling sideways at an altitude of 150 meters’ is a regular physics prediction about your nonmagical trebuchet, whereas ‘you are cursed to build a brother-launching trebuchet’ falls out of the…
