[2890] Relationship Advice

Title Text:Good to be a little wary of advice that sounds too much like a self pep talk. Origin:https://xkcd.com/2890/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/2890:_Relationship_Advice 对关系的建议 对听起来太像自我鼓励的建议保持警惕是件好事。 https://xkcd.in/comic?lg=cn&id=2890 在这部漫画中,白帽子、圆球和马尾辫正在就人际关系进行对话。白帽子表达了“人际关系并不容易”的观点。其他人接受了这个建议,这通常被视为一个合理的看法:两个人总会在意见、欲望和需求上存在至少一些分歧,需要进行沟通、协商和解决。这需要双… Read more


[2889] Greenhouse Effect

Title Text:Once he had the answer, Arrhenius complained to his friends that he’d “wasted over a full year” doing tedious calculations by hand about “so trifling a matter” as hypothetical CO2 concentrations in far-off eras (quoted in Crawford, 1997). Origin:https://xkcd.com/2889/…
