[2682] Easy Or Hard

Title Text:”Friction-driven static electrification is familiar and fundamental in daily life, industry, and technology, but its basics have long been unknown and have continually perplexed scientists from ancient Greece to the high-tech era. […] To date, no single theory can…


[2681] Archimedes Principle

Title Text:”I’ve always wanted to run naked through town, but I don’t want to get in trouble with the king or be remembered by history as a weirdo. I wonder how I could … EUREKA!” Origin:https://xkcd.com/2681/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/2681:_Archimedes_Principle 阿基米德原理 “我一直都想光着身子在镇上跑,但我既不想从国王那里惹上麻烦,也不想被历史记载为一个怪人。我要怎么才能… 尤里卡…


[2680] Battery Life

Title Text:It’s okay, I’m at 10%, so I’m good for another month or two. Origin:https://xkcd.com/2680/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/2680:_Battery_Life 电池寿命 没事,我手机的电量还有10%,还能再坚持一两个月。 http://xkcd.in/comic?lg=cn&id=2680 智能手机使用需要经常充电的电池;他们也可能经常被用户更换为更新的型号,尽管电池寿命只是他们这样做的几个原因之一。在这部漫画中, Cueball没有连续几年每天为手机充电然后购买新手机,而是获得了一部电池足够大的手机,据说可以使用到几年后… Read more
