[2405] Flash Gatsby

Title Text:Protip: At midnight your excuse for not having read The Great Gatsby can switch from “I’m worried about violating copyright” to “I think my copy requires Flash.” Origin:https://xkcd.com/2405/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/2405:_Flash_Gatsby 会动的盖茨比 小建议:到了午夜,你那没看过《了不起的盖茨比》的借口就可以换换,不说“我担心侵犯版权”,而是说“我认为我的翻版需要Flash支持。” http://xkcd.i… Read more


[2404] First Thing

Title Text:Then I’m going to go on a weeks-long somatic hypermutation bender, producing ever-more targeted antibodies, while I continue to remain distanced and follow guidance from public health authorities. Origin:https://xkcd.com/2404/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/2404:_First_Thing 第一件事 然后,我将进行为期一周的体细胞高频突变,产生越来越多的靶向抗体,同时我会继续与人群保持距离,并遵循公共卫生当局的指导。 http://xkcd.i… Read more


[2403] Wrapping Paper

Title Text:Wow, rude of you to regift literally every gift that you or anyone else has ever received. Origin:https://xkcd.com/2403/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/2403:_Wrapping_Paper 包装纸 哇,你真差劲,你把自己或别人收到的每份礼物都转送出去。 http://xkcd.in/comic?lg=cn&id=2403 该漫画于2020年圣诞节发布,在这一天,传统上庆祝圣诞节的人们(在许多国家/地区)将打开礼物。 在这部漫画中,梅根(Megan)正在打开礼物,而库伯(Cueball)则在看(也许这是他给她的礼物)。前提是礼物的定义… Read more


[2402] Into My Veins

Title Text:”Okay, for the last time, the shot is free, so we can’t–” “Shut up and take my money!” Origin:https://xkcd.com/2402/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/2402:_Into_My_Veins 静脉注射 “最后一针是免费的,所以注意不要……”“别说了!钱在这儿了,来吧! http://xkcd.in/comic?lg=cn&id=2402 此漫画是另一个在一个系列漫画相关的2020流感大流行的的冠状 SARS-CoV的-2 ,这将导致COVID-19。它还引用了一个常见的模因。… Read more


[2401] Conjunction

Title Text:The IAU is sad to announce that at 00:39 UTC on December 22nd, Jupiter and Saturn did unfortunately come into contact, and appear to have blooped together. Origin:https://xkcd.com/2401/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/2401:_Conjunction 天体合点 国际天文联合会很遗憾地宣布,协调世界时12月22日凌晨00:39,木星和土星不幸地互相接触,并在之后表现得结合在一起。 http://xkcd.in/comic?lg=cn&id=2401 母球和马尾辫正在观测2020年木星与土星的… Read more


[2400] Statistics

Title Text:We reject the null hypothesis based on the ‘hot damn, check out this chart’ test. Origin:https://xkcd.com/2400/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/2400:_Statistics 统计 我们不接受由“糟了,查查这个表”后检测得出的无效假设。 http://xkcd.in/comic?lg=cn&id=2400 此漫画处于另一漫画系列漫画相关的2020流感大流行的的冠状 SARS-CoV的-2 ,这将导致COVID-19。 图形[编辑] 漫画的主要焦点是一张图表,显示了两组COVID-19的病例与时间的关系:一组接受了疫苗接种… Read more


[2399] 2020 Election Map

Title Text:There are more Trump voters in California than Texas, more Biden voters in Texas than New York, more Trump voters in New York than Ohio, more Biden voters in Ohio than Massachusetts, more Trump voters in Massachusetts than Mississippi,…


[2398] Vaccine Tracker

Title Text:*refresh* Aww, still in Kalamazoo. *refresh* Aww, still in Kalamazoo. Origin:https://xkcd.com/2398/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/2398:_Vaccine_Tracker 疫苗跟踪 *刷新* 唉,还在卡拉马祖。 *刷新* 唉,还在卡拉马祖。 http://xkcd.in/comic?lg=cn&id=2398 此漫画处于另一漫画系列漫画相关的2020流感大流行的的冠状 SARS-CoV的-2 ,这将导致COVID-19。 与281:在线包裹追踪类似,Cueball试图“追踪”辉瑞COVID-19疫苗的状况,该漫画出版前一周在美国获得批准,并于出版之… Read more


[2397] I Just Don’t Trust Them

Title Text:I believe in getting immunity the old-fashioned way: By letting a bat virus take control of my lungs and turn my face into a disgusting plague fountain while my immune system desperately Googles ‘how to make spike protein antibodies’.…


[2396] Wonder Woman 1984

Title Text:’Wait, why would you think a movie set in 1984 would do drive-ins as a retro promotion?’ ‘You know, 80s stuff. Drive-in movies. Britney Spears doing the hustle. Elvis going on Ed Sullivan and showing off his pog collection.’…
