[2238] Flu Shot

Title Text:”Wait, how often are you getting bitten by snakes? And why are you boiling water?” “Dunno, the CDC people keep showing up with complicated questions about the ‘history of the property’ and ‘possible curses’ but I kinda tune them…


[2237] AI Hiring Algorithm

Title Text:So glad Kate over in R&D pushed for using the AlgoMaxAnalyzer to look into this. Hiring her was a great decisio- waaaait. Origin:https://xkcd.com/2237/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/2237:_AI_Hiring_Algorithm AI 徵才演算法 還好研發部門的凱特推動用 AlgoMaxAnalyzer 來調查這件事,我們聘他真是太好…等等。 https://xkcd.tw/2237 在这幅漫画中,马尾辫展示了对一种名为DeepAIHire的新型人工智能的分析,该人工智能用于在申请人中选择谁雇用。分析表… Read more


[2236] Is it Christmas?

Title Text:We’ve tested it on 30 different days and it hasn’t gotten one wrong yet. Origin:https://xkcd.com/2236/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/2236:_Is_it_Christmas%3F 我們在三十個不同的日子做過測試,都沒有出錯。 https://xkcd.tw/2236 兰德尔在这里制作了漫画,几乎总是可以正确地判断是圣诞节。圣诞节是每年12月25日在西方世界庆祝的一个假期。这也适用于仅持续一天的任何年度活动。 兰德尔列出的舍入率为99.73%。如果不进行without年计算,则364/365表示99.726027397‬%的精度… Read more
