[2095] Marsiforming

Title Text:It has so many advantages–it preserves Martian life, requires fewer interplanetary launches, and makes it much easier to field-test Mars rovers.< Origin:https://xkcd.com/2095/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/2095:_Marsiforming 火星化 好處很多,這樣可以保存火星生物,不用發射這麼多星際太空船,實地測試火星漫遊車也變得很簡單。 https://xkcd.tw/2095 Terraforming是(迄今为止唯一建议的)改变行星的过程,通常是为了让它更适合人类或其他地… Read more


[2094] Short Selling

Title Text:”I’m selling all my analogies at auction tomorrow, and that witch over there will give you 20 beans if you promise on pain of death to win them for her.” “What if SEVERAL people promised witches they’d win, creating…


[2093] Reminders

Title Text:The good news is that if the number of work and friend relationships you have exceeds your willingness to do the bare minimum to keep up with everyone’s life events and stuff, one way or another that problem eventually…
