[what if]第115期:太阳纳秒游

原作:http://what-if.xkcd.com/115 译者:猪的米 What if 系列:https://songshuhui.net/archives/tag/what-if 提问: 8岁那年,我在科罗拉多寒冷的冬日铲雪,心想如果自己能够传送到太阳表面,在那儿呆上一纳秒,然后再传送回来就好了。我觉得这段时间足够我让身子缓和起来,但又不至于受到什么伤害。但事情能如我所愿吗? —— AJ, 堪萨斯城 回答: 预习: 1纳秒=1000皮秒 1纳秒 =0.001 微秒 1纳秒=0.000001毫秒 1纳秒=0.00000 0001秒(一秒的10亿分之一) 不知道你信不信,这段时间根本就不会让你暖和起来。 太阳表面的温度约为5800开尔文。[1]如果你在那儿呆上一段时间,那你就会被烤成灰烬。不过一纳秒并不算非常久的时间,这段时间… Read more


[1431] Marriage

Title Text:People often say that same-sex marriage now is like interracial marriage in the 60s. But in terms of public opinion, same-sex marriage now is like interracial marriage in the 90s, when it had already been legal nationwide for 30…
