[1349] Shouldn’t Be Hard
Title Text:(six hours later) ARGH. How are these stupid microchips so durable?! All I want is to undo a massive industrial process with household tools!
Title Text:(six hours later) ARGH. How are these stupid microchips so durable?! All I want is to undo a massive industrial process with household tools!
Title Text:We watched DAYTIME TV. Do you realize how soul-crushing it was? I’d rather eat an iPad than go back to watching daytime TV.
Title Text:If data fails the Teacher’s t test, you can just force it to take the test again until it passes.
原作:http://what-if.xkcd.com/89 译者:猪的米 What if 系列:https://songshuhui.net/archives/tag/what-if 提问: 如果我把一块钨制灶台扔到太阳里,它在消失前能落到多里面? —— Michael Leuchtenberg 回答: 掉不到多里面。 由于钨有着极高的熔点,拿它来做太阳跳伞灶台确实是一个不错[1]的选择。 首先遇到的问题是阳光。随着灶台离太阳越来越近,它的温度也会越来越高。虽然钨在所有单质中熔点最高,但别忘了太阳可是太阳系中最炽热的东西之一。当灶台靠近到离太阳几个半径距离之内时,它就直接汽化了。 (如果真的发射了这个探测器的话,它最多只能往里面跑1/8水星轨道半径的距离) 如果你在灶台外边包一层热保护罩,或者把它从一个向太阳俯冲的宇宙… Read more
Title Text:They’d convince me to come out of retirement for one last job: biting into a giant lump of slightly soft wax a couple of times.
Title Text:Stanford sleep researcher William Dement said that after 50 years of studying sleep, the only really solid explanation he knows for why we do it is ‘because we get sleepy’.
原作:http://what-if.xkcd.com/88 译者:猪的米 What if 系列:https://songshuhui.net/archives/tag/what-if 提问: 全世界所有的瓶装汽水里含有多少二氧化碳?如果要想大气层里的二氧化碳浓度回到工业化之前的水平,需要多少瓶汽水才能装完这些二氧化碳? —— Brandon Seah 回答: 在人类文明史绝大部分时间里,大气层二氧化碳的浓度约为270ppm,而在过去的100年间,工业化将这个数字提升到了400ppm。 1ppm的二氧化碳重约78亿吨,而一罐汽水所含的二氧化碳含量在2.2克左右,因而你需要4.5*10^17瓶汽水才能装完这么多二氧化碳,这都足够把地球所有陆地表面都覆盖上10层汽水罐子了。 (散逸层、岩流圈、岩石圈、汽水圈) 显然我们没有… Read more
Title Text:The most ridiculous offender of all is the sudoers man page, which for 15 years has started with a ‘quick guide’ to EBNF, a system for defining the grammar of a language. ‘Don’t despair’, it says, ‘the definitions below…
Title Text:’The light from those millions of stars you see is probably many thousands of years old’ is a rare example of laypeople substantially OVERestimating astronomical numbers.< Origin:https://xkcd.com/1342/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/1342:_Ancient_Stars 古代的星星 「那幾百萬顆星星發出的光芒可能已經有幾萬年了」是少數一般人會高估天文學數字的例子。 https://xkcd.tw/1342 Cueball通常观察到,天空中的许多可见恒… Read more