[1335] Now

Title Text:This image stays roughly in sync with the day (assuming the Earth continues spinning). Shortcut: xkcd.com/now


[what if]第85期:高尔夫火箭

原作:http://what-if.xkcd.com/85 译者:猪的米 What if 系列:https://songshuhui.net/archives/tag/what-if 提问: 假设在绕地轨道上有一艘宇宙飞船,能不能通过以相反方向击打高尔夫球的方式来使飞船加速,进而达到逃逸速度?如果可能的话,需要多少高尔夫球才能让飞船飞到月球? —— Dan (坎塔,安大略) 回答: 这取决于你击球的水平。 这个回答看上去很没营养,但还是有道理的。因为这个问题的答案完全取决于高尔夫球被击打后的速度。 有的时候,准确的数字不那么重要。如果我家的棒球、车子、狗狗或者冰车比你家的要快一些,[1]它只会多跑一点点距离。但这在高尔夫火箭上行不通,因为飞船设计中要用到一个公式,而高尔夫球的速度这一项恰好在指数里,这意味着即使速度… Read more


[1334] Second

Title Text:Let me just scroll down and check behind that rock. Annnnd… nope, page copyright year starts with ’19’. Oh God, is this a WEBRING?


[1333] First Date

Title Text:I sympathize with the TPP protagonist because I, too, have progressed through a surprising number of stages of life despite spending entire days stuck against simple obstacles.


[1332] Slippery Slope

Title Text:Sure, taking a few seconds to be respectful toward someone about something they care about doesn’t sound hard. But if you talk to hundreds of people every day and they all start expecting that same consideration, it could potentially…


[what if]第84期:粉刷地球

原作:http://what-if.xkcd.com/84 译者:猪的米 What if 系列:https://songshuhui.net/archives/tag/what-if 提问: 人类有史以来生产的油漆全部加起来够把整个地球大陆表面都涂一遍吗? —— Josh(博尔顿,麻省) 回答: 这个问题回答起来很轻松啊。去查一下全世界油漆业的规模,然后往前倒推估算一下有史以来一共生产了多少油漆就好了。不过对于用油漆刷地的方式还是需要讨论一下的,提个醒:当我们刷到撒哈拉大沙漠的时候,我建议不要用刷子去刷。 但等等,我们为何不换一种方法来思考这个问题呢?在其中一种方法中——这个方法通常叫做“费米推论法“——重点在于你所猜测的答案至少在数量级上不能出错。在费米推论法中,你可以把所有的猜想答案… Read more


[1331] Frequency

Title Text:This comic shows estimated average frequency. I wanted to include the pitch drop experiment, but it turns out the gif format has some issues with decade-long loops.


[1330] Kola Borehole

Title Text:Tonight’s top story: Lucifer, the Prince of Darkness, died in his home this morning at the age of [unintelligible rune]. Due to the large number of sharks inhabiting his former kingdom, no body could be recovered.


[1329] Standing

Title Text:At first I was making fun of them, but joke’s on me–the deer is surprisingly ergonomic, except for the kicks.< Origin:https://xkcd.com/1329/ https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/1329:_Standing 站立 我本來是要笑他們,結果被笑的是我。鹿其實還滿人體工學的,除了會踢人以外。 https://xkcd.tw/1329 常设办公桌是现代科技公司的当前时尚。据称比整天坐着更符合人体工程学和舒适,它们可以与跑步机或固定自行车结合使用,以便在工作时进行锻炼。 Cueball告诉梅根,站立的办公桌不如他的解… Read more
